
Prices include: Serving your papers, preparing proof of service for you to file with the court and substituted service mailing if required.

Rates are per defendant/per address; price includes up to 3 attempts or deemed un-serveable (i.e., bad address, unable to effect service within the 3 attempts) whichever comes first at one address.


Within 3 days
Starts at

3 attempts over 4-7 days
Affidavit of service

Next Day

Within 24 hours
Starts at

First attempt within 24 hours
Affidavit of service


Same Day
Starts at

Attempted same day we receive it
Affidavit of service

Proof of service and supporting forms: Once service is complete, we will send the proof of service to you. If you would like our office to file it with the court, your request must be in writing and there are additional costs of $35 & up.

Rural area fees upcharges may apply.

Discounts may be available for multiple serves at the same address. Service fees are non-refundable in the event of non service.

Call Us to Place an Order

Court Services

Rate includes initial trip and first 15 minutes of wait/research time

Local pick-up $45.00
Advance fee charge 10% or $2.50 (whichever is greater)
Routine filings $125.00 to $250.00

Wait/research time $75.00 per hour.
Rush handling $20.00 & up

We prepare all supporting documents that are required to open a file with the sheriff and serve. We do need certain original forms from you to begin.